Cancellation Policy:
Customers may cancel at any time by sending notification of their desire to cancel via certified mail to our business address at:
Automatrix, LLC
PO BOX 801243
Acworth, GA 30101
Upon receipt of your cancellation, we will discontinue billing. No refunds or credits will be issued for partial credit.
Monthly Fee Schedule:
We bill monthly on the 1st and the 15th. Depending on your sign up date, you will be provided with your renewal date and will be charged monthly for the next month. For example if your billing date is the 1st and you are billed January 1st, this is for the month of January.
Sign Up Charges:
Upon signup for software services, you will be charged a non refundable setup fee along with first month of service. If you have requested additional services such as domain name registration or logo design, you will be billed at the amount quoted to you as well. If you would like a breakdown of the charges, you may request them via our contact form.